Honoring Our Military Heroes

May is Military Appreciation Month.   This month provides our students with a wonderful opportunity to honor and appreciate our service men and women for their tremendous sacrifices for our country.  These military heroes have demonstrated strength, courage, and resilience.   They motivate and inspire our students to model these same characteristics in school and in life.   Be sure that you take the opportunity to recognize these amazing military heroes this month.  Listed below are a few ideas to celebrate and recognize the valuable contributions of our military:

  • Invite local service members to speak to your students
  • Create a large appreciation poster signed by all students for the VA medical center
  • Schedule field trips to military points of interest and museums
  • Highlight military families on social media and in school newsletters
  • Send a classroom care package to service members overseas
  • Invite a service member to your classroom to share their stories
  • Sponsor an appreciation breakfast for military parents
  • Provide activities to support military students with school transitions

It is very important to acknowledge military families within your school for their service.  These simple acts of kindness will have a significant impact on productive and sustainable family and school partnerships.